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NYC Smile Design - BLOG - You are What You Eat: Chemicals You Should Be Aware of.

December 1st, 2010 | 1 min read

By NYC Smile Design

There are five big enemies to your health that inhibit you from getting your best smile. These five challenges are chemicals, medications, toxins, health conditions and your self-confidence, or lack thereof.  We learn from a study conducted by Weston Price in the 1930’s that those eating an indigenous diet did not have any of the plagues of modern civilization-muscle fatigue, heart disease, asthma, cavities, tuberculosis and cancer. The study found that once refined sugars, flour and canned goods were added to the indigenous diet all of the above ailments began to show up in their culture in just one generation. This is indicative of the dangers that toxins and chemicals impose on your body.

Needless to say, there are two particular chemicals that you should be aware of:

1. Fluoride

Fluoride has been added to your water for decades now. Disturbingly, this same fluoride is found in rat poisons. Studies show that the rates of bone cancer are substantially higher in areas with fluoridated water. Furthermore, fluoride affects the thyroid gland, causing hypothyroidism- a condition where your body lacks enough thyroid hormones resulting to a slower metabolism. Fluoride is found in many common household products including toothpaste, vitamins and dietary supplements. A build-up of fluoride can cause darkening of the teeth, weakened bones and neurological problems

2. Mercury

Mercury can cause lasting damage to your body especially after long exposures. A sudden high exposure to mercury vapor can cause chest pain, soreness of the mouth, loss of teeth, shaking of the hands, eyelids, lips, tongue and headaches. Mothers are generally advised to consume less, if any, shellfish and fish as this can cause serious damage to a baby’s nervous system and cognitive development. It is therefore advisable that you do your best to stay away from  this product as ingestion of mercury can also cause mouth sores and swollen gums and high levels of mercury vapors can have adverse effects on the brain and kidneys.

Do you have amalgam fillings in your mouth? Those fillings contain 50% mercury.  It is estimated that amalgam fillings will release up to half of its mercury content over a ten year period (50% corrosion rate). If you have those fillings in your mouth, there is between 68 and 130 micrograms of mercury released each day from each filling.  If you are aware of the debate on Amalgam fillings, there is a claim that the mercury in amalgam fillings is too low to cause concern- are you willing to take that risk?