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Gum disease NYC | Black Hole in Gums

June 20th, 2012 | 1 min read

By NYC Smile Design

Black hole disease refers to the little spaces that appear between your teeth and gum exposing the root surfaces to decay. This problem appears in your gum tissue as a black hole, looking as if a poppy seed is stuck between your teeth. Like many things that start small, the black space can grow larger with time. Sometimes we see this problem after orthodontic treatment. The teeth are aligned nicely but, due to the anatomy of the teeth (they can be triangular or bulbous), a space exists above where the teeth contact one another, leaving a black hole instead of healthy pink gums. Or, after orthodontics the teeth are aligned properly but the roots aren’t which causes lower bone level and a resultant black hole where the healthy gum tissue should be. Moving the position of the teeth with Invisalign and/or reshaping of the sides of the teeth can quickly, comfortably and effectively treat this problem in less than 6 months.

Black Holes in Gums

Another cause of Black hole disease is from active gum disease or from treatment during gum therapy. Now, when you smile, there are spaces which permit air to go through them. Sometimes this can affect your speech. This can also be quite unsightly if it has progressed far. Unfortunately, once you have these spaces between your teeth and gum, it is practically impossible to get rid of them. The first course of action is to treat the gum disease, which will prevent the spaces from getting worse. But the best option is to correct the problem by using veneers. With veneers, this condition can easily be corrected in two visits and the results are quite stunning, natural-looking and confidence-building.