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Learning Center / NYC Smile Design Cosmetic Dentistry Blog

NYC Smile Design Cosmetic Dentistry Blog

Dental Hygiene

5 Oral Health Myths

September 20th, 2024|4 min read

Dental Hygiene

What are Proxy Brushes?

September 18th, 2024|4 min read

Dental Hygiene

Common Oral Health Issues and How to Prevent Them

September 16th, 2024|5 min read

Porcelain Veneers

How to Choose the Right Shade for Your Veneers: Achieving a Natural Look.

September 13th, 2024|3 min read

Porcelain Veneers

How Veneers Can Be Tailored to Your Unique Needs

September 9th, 2024|5 min read

Cosmetic Dentist

4 Questions to ask your dentist before getting Interproximal Reduction (IPR)

September 6th, 2024|3 min read

Cosmetic Dentist

What Is Interproximal Reduction (IPR) and When Is It Necessary?

September 4th, 2024|3 min read

Invisalign | Porcelain Veneers

Why You Would Need Orthodontics Before Veneers

September 2nd, 2024|3 min read

Oral Health

What Causes Tooth Aches?

August 30th, 2024|4 min read

Oral Health

5 Signs of A Dental Emergency

August 28th, 2024|4 min read

Cosmetic Dentist

When Do I Need to See a Dental Specialist?

August 26th, 2024|4 min read

Dental Hygiene

Do I Need Mouthwash?

August 23rd, 2024|5 min read

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Dental Hygiene

How Often Should I Go To the Dentist?

August 21st, 2024|3 min read

Dental Hygiene

Dental Floss Vs Water Flossers

August 19th, 2024|4 min read


4 Signs You May Have a Crossbite and the Implications

August 16th, 2024|6 min read


Does Orthodontic Treatment Take Longer As An Adult?

August 14th, 2024|5 min read


How Long Do I Need to Wear My Retainer?

August 12th, 2024|5 min read

Dental Crowns

How Much Do Dental Crowns Cost?

August 9th, 2024|4 min read

Dental Implants

How Much Do Dental Bridges Cost?

August 7th, 2024|5 min read

Dental Implants

How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?

August 5th, 2024|4 min read