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Does Invisalign Affect Your Speech?

March 25th, 2024 | 4 min read

By NYC Smile Design

Invisalign has become a cornerstone in orthodontic treatment, offering a less visible, more comfortable alternative to traditional braces. However, a common question among prospective users revolves around its impact on speech.

At NYC Smile Design, we’ve guided countless individuals through their Invisalign journey, addressing common concerns and ensuring a seamless transition toward a more beautiful smile. Among these concerns, the impact of Invisalign on speech is a frequent topic.

This blog aims to explore this concern, providing insights into how Invisalign might affect speech patterns and offering advice to navigate this potential challenge.

Understanding Invisalign and Speech

Invisalign, celebrated for revolutionizing orthodontic treatment, provides a solution that blends seamlessly with the lifestyle of its users. These aligners straighten teeth through a series of clear, custom-made trays, distinguished by their near invisibility and the ability to be removed at will.

While the aesthetic and practical advantages of Invisalign are clear, newcomers may encounter temporary alterations in their speech. This phenomenon is due to the mouth’s adjustment to the foreign object, leading to potential lisps or changes in speech clarity during the initial phase of treatment. The body’s natural adaptability, however, means these changes are usually transient.


The oral cavity learns to accommodate the aligners, and individuals quickly find ways to speak clearly with them in place, minimizing any initial discomfort or self-consciousness associated with altered speech patterns.

Common Speech Changes with Invisalign

The introduction of Invisalign aligners into the mouth can lead to common speech variations, notably a slight lisp. This occurs as the tongue adjusts to the presence of aligners and their interaction with the teeth, particularly when producing sounds that necessitate close contact between the tongue and the teeth or roof of the mouth, such as “s” and “z” sounds. Initially, this may feel peculiar, with some individuals experiencing a noticeable change in how they pronounce certain words. However, this is a temporary adjustment period. With continuous wear, the mouth becomes accustomed to the aligners, allowing speech to return to its natural state usually within a few days to a few weeks.

It’s important for users to persevere through this brief period of adjustment, as the long-term benefits of a straighter, more aesthetically pleasing smile far outweigh the temporary inconvenience of speech adaptation. Encouragingly, many users report that any initial speech differences quickly become a non-issue, further attesting to the adaptability of the human body and the ease with which it can adjust to Invisalign aligners.

Adjusting to Aligners: Speech Improvement Tips

Navigating the initial phase of wearing Invisalign aligners, where speech may be slightly impacted, is a journey that many find manageable with the right strategies. Here’s how you can ease into speaking confidently with aligners:

Practice Speaking: One of the most effective ways to adapt to Invisalign aligners is through practice. Regular conversation, reading aloud, or even singing can help your tongue and mouth adjust to the new contours created by the aligners. This practice helps minimize any lisping or speech irregularities more quickly.


Stay Hydrated: A common companion of new aligner wear is dry mouth, which can further complicate speech. Keeping hydrated by drinking ample water throughout the day helps maintain saliva flow, ensuring your mouth functions optimally. This not only aids in clear speech but also contributes to the overall comfort and health of your mouth.

Consistent Wear: It might seem counterintuitive, but wearing your aligners as much as possible is key to normalizing speech swiftly. Adhering to the recommended 20-22 hours of daily wear ensures that your mouth gets used to the aligners faster, reducing the duration of any speech adjustment period. Furthermore, consistent wear is crucial for the success of your Invisalign treatment, ensuring your teeth move according to plan and you achieve your desired results efficiently.


By following these simple yet effective tips, you can significantly improve your comfort and speech clarity while undergoing Invisalign treatment. Remember, the initial adjustment period is temporary, and with a little effort, you can speak clearly and confidently in no time.

Long-Term Speech Effects

Worries regarding the long-term impact of Invisalign on speech are understandable but largely unfounded. The consensus among Invisalign users is that while initial adjustments may affect speech, these changes are fleeting. A short adaptation period is typically all it takes for users to acclimate to their aligners, resulting in speech that sounds natural and unimpeded. This experience is supported by numerous testimonials from those who have undergone Invisalign treatment, who frequently highlight the transient nature of any speech disruptions.

The body’s remarkable ability to adapt ensures that speech clarity is maintained throughout the treatment, reassuring potential users that Invisalign can correct dental alignment without permanently affecting verbal communication.

Professional Guidance and Support

Embarking on Invisalign treatment without professional input would be like navigating without a map. Dental professionals play an indispensable role in the Invisalign experience, offering not just initial consultation and fitting but ongoing support throughout the treatment process. Addressing concerns related to speech or any other aspect of Invisalign treatment, dentists and orthodontists are well-equipped to provide tailored advice that can ease apprehensions.


Through regular check-ups, they monitor progress and make necessary adjustments, ensuring that the treatment aligns with the patient’s lifestyle and that speech patterns remain as natural as possible. Their expert guidance is instrumental in fostering a positive treatment experience, empowering patients to proceed with their Invisalign journey with full confidence and minimal concern over speech alterations.

Why Invisalign?

Opting for Invisalign presents a modern, flexible approach to orthodontic treatment, marrying convenience with effectiveness. While it’s true that Invisalign may initially impact your speech, these effects are typically minor and transient. The real allure of Invisalign lies in its ability to deliver a straighter, healthier smile discreetly, without the aesthetic and physical discomforts often associated with traditional metal braces.

Invisalign aligners are not only virtually invisible but also removable, offering an unmatched level of convenience when it comes to eating, drinking, and maintaining oral hygiene. This aspect of treatment ensures that your lifestyle undergoes minimal disruption while on the path to achieving your dental goals. Moreover, the personalized treatment plan developed by your dentist, leveraging advanced 3D imaging technology, ensures that the results are tailored specifically to you, enhancing both the efficiency and effectiveness of the treatment. For those contemplating Invisalign but hesitant due to concerns about speech or other treatment aspects, a conversation with your dental professional can provide clarity and reassurance.

We invite you to reach out and schedule a consultation with NYC Smile Design to explore how Invisalign can fit into your life and meet your dental aspirations. Our team is here to guide you through each step of the process, from initial assessment to the final reveal of your new smile, ensuring a rewarding journey to the smile you’ve always wanted.

